When we enter the stage of software development itself, we encounter seemingly intimidating obstacles. Whether it’s a mobile app, a web system, an analytical tool for BigData, or an environment to integrate systems.
There are different technologies (languages, libraries, frameworks, relational or non-relational databases, hardware, drivers, operating systems, etc.). In addition, they develop, branch, and improve with frightening speed. Thus, it is possible to induce both error and inhibition. This leads to undesirable consequences such as paralysis, or too unpredictable costs and expenses.
Practical software development
A mobile/web app can be developed using different technologies. In this way, both the choice and the way to implement any of them can generate different results. It can result in excellence and good value for money or make the user’s life a martyrdom with slowness and inoperability.
So the idea is that you stay focused on what matters at the highest level. Such as the diagnosis of the problem, the objective, and the interaction so that the interfaces are friendly, easy, and assertive.
Questions like: “Which Javascript framework will be used in web interfaces? React, Vue.js, Angular? Will the backend be in NodeJs, PHP, Python, C#, or Java? Or even: does the project need native development IOS, Android, etc? Which database will be used?” are questions that we SOLVE for you!

We solve software development
And by RESOLVE, we mean not just the simple choice or suggestion of technologies, but the arduous and agonizing work of keeping up to date on what is most modern. In addition, we always offer the most advanced options of state-of-the-art technology as a repertoire.
We will try whenever possible to separate the business layer (what is the problem to be solved and which rules are to be applied) from the ultra-technical discussion of the technology involved.
For example, the project may need image recognition, reading suggestions, visualizations, or products. Or even classification of titles, products, or customers and text/speech recognition. Or involve forecasting and estimating demand, sales, weather, or any other nature. With that in mind, in both cases, we know that we have an Artificial Intelligence and data science problem at hand.
We analyze whether we will use R, Matlab, or Python. If we are going to choose and train a machine learning algorithm from the Scikit-Learn library. Or if we are going to decide that the best approach is to utilize the powerful algorithms of Deep Learning and neural networks. To make any of these decisions, we propose to thoroughly test and RESOLVE for you, allowing full focus on the desired objective.

Technical choices
If the goal is to have a secure, complete solution with great fraud control for authenticating any type of document, dates, tracking, or creating a digital currency, Blockchain can be a good option.
And that can benefit a digital financial service, a scoring, and a customer loyalty program. Or even a way to authenticate authorship and commercialize digital artistic products. Whether these products are music, software, restricted documents, images, skins, and game artifacts – NFTs.
With Blockchain, your project will be guaranteed a decentralized validation that is proof against malicious users and with a high degree of reliability.
Having defined that, we SOLVE some very specific technical questions, such as whether we are going to upload the environment on a public crypto platform such as Ethereum, Cardano, or BSC. Or if we will do our project using any of these protocols like Hyperledge. As well as whether smart contracts will be written in Solidity, Viper, Plutus, Truffle or any other language.
Innovation and practicality as a goal
Our goal is to simplify innovation, bringing to the discussion the knowledge of cutting-edge technologies for a unique, joint and creative approach that results in digital products with great impact and return.
Certainly, innovation often takes place at the junction of technologies. Therefore, the union of Augmented Reality and Blockchain can provide great unique digital products and marketable on gaming platforms or auction sites.
The internet of things (IoT) with its connected sensors and switches can generate a huge amount of data. In addition, they feed powerful Artificial Intelligence data models, being able to make decisions and even act through robots.
The web scraping technique (reading material on the internet through bots) can automatically feed both a management system and an artificial intelligence model. Consequently, it can generate insights and ideas for new products and services.
Finally, whatever the case, count on us to innovate quickly and simply.
To learn more about our services, call 11 3135-6457. We are located at R. Fidêncio Ramos, 100, Vila Olímpia, São Paulo – SP.